You stay in the driving seat when applying for a logbook loan online. Borrow as much or as little as you need up to the full value of your vehicle. Interest rates depend on how much you borrow, so the less you borrow, the lower the repayments.
Ethical and responsible lenders may be accredited members of the Consumer Credit Trade Association. They always make sure that your monthly payments are affordable and that their terms are flexible to your needs. With simple and secure online applications you can even receive a same day logbook loan. You also get to avoid embarrassing guarantor loans by using your logbook as security whilst you keep driving! Many providers also offer loans on other vehicles such as motorbikes and vans.
If you would like any more information on logbook loans in Scotland, please don't hesitate to call us on 01296 287959.
Total Amount of Credit
Monthly Payment
Fixed Annual Interest Rate
Total Amount Repayable
12 Months
Representative APR